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<strong>BlueprintAfric Unveils ‘Lagos Living’ – An Exciting Online TV Series Capturing the Dynamic Essence of Africa’s Thriving Metropolis!</strong>
Lifestyle & Pop

BlueprintAfric Unveils ‘Lagos Living’ – An Exciting Online TV Series Capturing the Dynamic Essence of Africa’s Thriving Metropolis! 

In the heart of Nigeria’s most bustling city, Lagos, life thrives on a series of vibrant activities, with the streets pumping with the energy of countless souls. People say that Lagos is fierce and unyielding, from her bustling markets to the bargains that are struck in them. Others say it is an ocean where you find waves of opportunity, which one can only navigate through resilience. Then there are others who describe the traffic as a relentless beast that swallows time in its jaws, testing the patience of even the most seasoned traveller. But amidst the chaos, there’s always something that connects every individual, from the bustling corporate corridors to the humble street vendors. But is that all there is to it?

BlueprintAfric, the trailblazing new-age media organisation, is thrilled to announce the highly anticipated launch of its latest online TV series, “Lagos Living.” This pioneering show will take viewers on an exhilarating journey through the heart and soul of Nigeria’s most populous city, offering a unique perspective on its vibrant lifestyle, captivating nightlife, enchanting relationships, delectable food, legendary parties, cutting-edge fashion, non-stop entertainment, and even the ever-present paparazzi.

“Lagos Living” will provide an insider’s view of the city, bringing to life the electrifying buzz that only those who reside in Lagos can vividly describe. Through the eyes of both its residents and visitors, this series promises an unfiltered and authentic exploration of Lagos’s allure, showcasing its energetic spirit and captivating essence. From those who call it home to those who have experienced its madness for a few fleeting moments, “Lagos Living” will capture the true essence of this remarkable city.

The primary objective of “Lagos Living” is to go beyond the surface and shed light on the lesser-known aspects of Lagos. While more than 40 percent of every continent is familiar with this bustling West African metropolis, BlueprintAfric aims to reveal the hidden gems that haven’t received the attention they deserve. Through in-depth interviews and lively conversations with celebrities and key industry players, the show will offer unique insights into Lagos life from those who have lived and breathed its intricacies.

This pioneering series, which is produced and directed by BlueprintAfric’s Chief Storyteller, Odera Collins, will feature a star-studded lineup, with popular personalities such as Kenzy Udosen, Tee Kuro, Jay on Air, Tariq, and Legendary Suni among the contributors. These individuals will bring their personal experiences and perspectives to the forefront, unveiling the dynamic tapestry of Lagos through engaging storytelling and captivating anecdotes.

“Lagos Living” will delve into thought-provoking topics that challenge preconceived notions and ignite conversations. Some of the intriguing topics that will be explored include what Lagos is best known for; the quirks of its entertainment industry; ridiculous trends that surface every day in the city; social status domination; love and relationship, and the issue of “fake life”.

Viewers can expect an enthralling and entertaining journey through the streets of Lagos, as the show uncovers the city’s pulse and reveals the stories that lie beneath the surface. Whether you’re a Lagosian eager to see your city celebrated or a curious observer looking to experience the magic of Lagos from afar, “Lagos Living” promises to be a must-watch series that will captivate, enlighten, and entertain.

The pioneer episode of “Lagos Living” is scheduled to air on July 7, 2023, by BlueprintAfric TV on Youtube. To stay up to date with the latest news and announcements, visit BlueprintAfric’s official website at and follow their social media channels.

About BlueprintAfric:

BlueprintAfric is a forward-thinking media organisation dedicated to showcasing the diverse and dynamic aspects of Africa’s contemporary culture. With a focus on lifestyle, entertainment, and current affairs, BlueprintAfric aims to present an authentic and positive narrative about the continent, bridging the gap between Africa and the rest of the world.

For press inquiries and media interviews, please contact:

Odera Collins

Chief Storyteller, BlueprintAfric 

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