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Clinic Experiences: Nigerians Tell Their Clinic Stories

Clinic Experiences: Nigerians Tell Their Clinic Stories 

Nigerians have frequently voiced dissatisfaction with their clinic visits and their experiences there. Some Nigerians spoke with us about their clinic experiences.

By Amy


Like every other Nigerian, I don’t like going to the hospital because it sometimes feels like an episode of a never-ending stress drama. 

  I went to the clinic for my regular check-up and it wasn’t funny ohhh, I sat at the reception, which was very noisy, let’s not talk about the annoying disinfectant smell, waiting for them to call me up to get my file, the process felt like I was applying for a visa, finally got in then went in, saw the doctor, oya time to pick up my drugs the queue at the dispensary was crazy like we have this many sick people around, Woah, got it, went home but I was pissed because I spent a lot of time at the clinic  


Omo, to sick for Naija no dey easy o.

First I had to find a parking space, it was difficult with cars everywhere. Then they had to find my file, I mean, we have computers for a reason. Why do it manually? Then I had to sit under a fan with my shivering body, let’s not even talk about how the seat felt like somebody was pushing my bombom inside. Then Oga Doc sent me to go and run some tests. I mean, I could have fainted on the way and nobody would know! The process was just too much, oya let me go and get my drugs another wahala cos the line was too long, came back to see the doc, and somebody else had taken my slot, oga doctor why, anyhow sha I was just happy to go home after everything. 


 Clinics in Nigeria need to do better. Any day you say you’re going for a checkup cancel your other plans for the day. 

   I went with my mum for her bi-weekly check-up, and I can tell you that my date with my friends was moved because a checkup that’s supposed to take an hour was tripled thanks to all the lengthy procedures put in place just to see a doctor. For someone like my mum who is a regular, locating her file should be easy but it takes lots of time don’t get me started on the annoying smell, feels like it exists just to make the feeling of being sick permanent, (that’s just how I feel tho) end of the story is I am never accompanying anyone to the clinic ever again. 

The Blue Talkative:

  We’ve heard people clinic visiting stories, and I’m like I used to be there until I found Clafiya. You see all I’ve got to do is make a doctor’s appointment and they bring the care to me. The caregiver comes to my place of comfort, if that isn’t  VIP treatment, then I don’t know what is. I don’t have to deal with the annoying clinic smell, long queues, or the delay in locating my file.  

 I can also send care to my loved ones if I’m not around. They have plans that I can fit anyone into, if I can have a Spotify family plan, why can’t I have a Clafiya family health plan? 

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